Many of us assume Backlink is King
backling why because it's really capable of influencing position in the Blog Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
primarily in terms of influencing Ranking on Search Engines (SE).
However, it's all there are rules that must be d mainya note
1. Niche
In search BackLink course the first thing you notice is the Niche Blogs. Are aligned with Your Niche Blog or not. If not better leave and go to another one (which seniche).
2. Quality
to note is the quality of the blog tersebut.bahwa Matt Cuts says "better BackLink 1 of 1 blog with quality content, rather than BackLink 1,000.From 1,000 blog with not quality content".so the important thing is said to be beneficial it is enough quality content
3. Age
It is no less important is the quality of the Niche and Age Blog (domain) is. If He's still the same age corn (no 1 month) it is better not seek BackLink of the Blog. Because of what? because, should the new blog looking BackLink on our Blog, and instead we are actually looking for in BackLink Blog "corn" was.
My message is actually easy, use BackLink necessary, because basically not BackLink Desse was ranked in SERP, but the quality of the content that is the determiner